Firms to look at park

The developer of Newent Business Park has announced the site's final phase of commercial development.

Brochures have now been printed to advertise Phase Five of the 9.5-acre business park, off the Gloucester Road. The sale is being handled by Ledbury estate agent John Goodwin on behalf of Drybrook-based construction company MF Freeman.

The news has been warmly welcomed by the mayor of Newent, Coun Fred Passant, who said the development of business parks was part of the Newent Initiative Strategy currently being developed.

He said: "Certainly, we welcome this for Newent, as we are trying to encourage new businesses to the town. This is a bonus.

"I think that Newent's basic infrastructure is there and can manage. Some people are already supplying that site, such as selling sandwiches for lunch and there is the nearby garage."

Luke Freeman, MF Freeman's construction manager, said he believed that the development was "very important to the future prosperity of Newent".

He said ideally the company was looking to a single large business to move onto the remaining two acres on the frontage of the site, by the top of Onslow Road.

Mr Freeman suggested a car showroom as a possibility, offices or a manufacturing concern, though some possible uses will be subject to planning permission.

Mr Goodwin said: "We are looking for one big business, but we wouldn't like to turn anyone away. This is what we call a design and build opportunity."

Both Mr Freeman and Mr Goodwin expressed confidence in filling the slot, with Mr Goodwin expressing the view that the process might take just a year.

He said: "There is always interest in Newent Business Park. It's a good site that has proved to be popular since the first units were built, nine years ago."

Businesses currently operating on the park include Analytical Information Systems and Home Safe Doors.