Christian Aid success

Christian Aid Week in Newent has being hailed as a great success.

The rector of St Mary's, the Rev. Robert Simpson, said the total raised was expected to be in the region of £3,000.

St Mary's set up shop in town, at the old toy shop in Church Street, and the sale of second hand goods there put £1,200 into the pot.

The sale of Traidcraft "fair trade" goods added a further £125 and money from street collections is still to be added up.

Mr Simpson said: "We hope to raise £3,000 all together, and we think we are on target."

Another £100 was added through the performance given at St Mary's on May 3 by the Gloucestershire Operatic and Dramatic Society. Half the proceeds went to Christian Aid and the rest to the ongoing Church Piano Fund.

The church's £3,000 piano, purchased several years ago, was paid for out of church reserves. A number of events have been organised to help replenish the money used.

Shop's success

THE Christian Aid shop in Newent last month raised £1,163 and sold £124 of Traidcraft goods.

The shop, which only opens for Christian Aid Week and has been based in a number of empty premises, has managed to raise £16,000 since first opening in 1987

The first shop was based in premises that are now part of The Shambles Museum. This year's shop, by coincidence, was just a few doors down.

The 2003 operation involved 14 volunteers, with some from as far afield as Gorsley, Ross, Aston Ingham and Cliffords Mesne. The shop was open for business for 49 hours over the six days from May 11.