Grant covers the cost of new book

If the first run sells out, another will be commissioned, and any profits left over will be ploughed back into the society to fund speakers and summer trips.

Mr Pearce said the society would have liked to donate any profits to charity, but its hands were tied by the terms of the Lottery grant.

Together with a £3,000 grant from Forest of Dean District Council, support from Newent Town Council and the Onion Fayre and money from fundraising events, all production costs are covered.

Mr Pearce said the work represented the first comprehensive detailing of Newent's history in a single book.

"We couldn't include everything, or it would have been too heavy to lift," he said, "But we tried to put in as much as we could."

He added that the book was intended as a serious source of reference and has a full index.

See feature on this website soon.

A GRANT of more than £7,000 has been awarded to cover costs of printing a book documenting Newent's history.

The National Lottery handout has been received by Newent Local History Society to help with production of Chapters in Newent's History.

Derek Pearce, one of the eight authors involved in putting it together, said he was very pleased the money had come through.

The work will be released on September 11 at Newent Community School to coincide with the town's Onion Fayre.

Hereford-based firm Print Logic is to produce 1,000 hardback copies, which will go on sale at £14.95.