Bromseberrow News

BROMSBERROW Gardening and Social Club has many new members joining, including people from surrounding villages - nearly 50 people attended the meeting at the village hall.

Members heard an enlightening and entertaining talk by local historian Pip Powell from Ledbury who gave a good insight into the town and its history.

David Myers, the club's resident gardening expert spoke on what should be done in the garden in May.

Events to look forward to include a summer fling held on Saturday, August 2, at 7pm at the village hall. This will include a summer picnic on the playing field and a barn dance in the hall at 8pm. Tickets, £5, are available or can be bought on the night.


THERE will be a Prayer Book evensong at 6pm on the third Sunday in June, July and August at St Mary's Church, Bromsberrow, instead of morning service.

BROMSBERROW Ramblers will start their next ramble from the post office on Tuesday, June 24 at 2.30pm. Pam Turbett, Tel: 01531 650 295 has more details.

Schedules for Bromsberrow Autumn Show and Vintage Vehicle Rally will be out next month. This annual event will be held on Sunday, September 21, and the newly formed gardening club will be organising the gardening section.