
Download Newent PDF
Dancing thru the Dean
Arts Festival
Onion Fayre

Newent Arts Festival

For the first time, Newent Community School and the Newent Initiative have joined forces to organise an arts festival that involves the communities of Newent and surrounding districts.

The festival is aimed at all ages, with masses of family entertainment throughout the days including puppet shows, magic shows, drumming, photography and art workshops, face-painting, crafts and circus performers. Newent comes alive in the evenings of the festival with a selection of live music, cinema, poetry readings, guided walks and story-telling. There are also a number of art and craft exhibitions throughout the festival.

This is the first of what we hope will become an annual event, so please support the efforts of all our fabulous artists, craftsmen and performers who have given their time so generously to support the festival.

The downloadable brochure contains an "at a glance" guide to what's on overleaf, so attend as many events as you can and let us know what you think so we can make next year even better.

Welcome to the Newent Arts Festival 2005

Click here for a PDF of the full Newent Arts Festival programme.
