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St Mary's Church

Missionary monks from Ireland founded the Christian Community of St. Mary's in the late 7th Century. The building dates from the 13th Century with the unique nave rebuilt in 1675 (after part of the tower fell and damaged it) in the style of Sir Christopher Wren.

The church features the oldest and largest unsupported wooden ceiling in England. Guided tours are available.

Not only is the building interesting and inspiring, built as it was to the praise and glory of God, but we have ancient and interesting artefacts that illustrate the faith of our axon forebears. It has a tower with a ring of 8 bells.

St. Mary's is a community of Christians that is part of the Anglican, Baptist and Methodist Churches. We would call ourselves Open Renewed Evangelical. The Church Building is prominent in Church Street opposite the Post Office.

Worship takes place in variety of styles, predominately relaxed, open friendly and fairly informal. We seek to use the best of the old and the new. It is lead by lay people and ministers of the three different denominations. St Mary's believes in the ministry of wholeness and healing and has an active local ministry team, which in partnership with the whole congregation shares Christ's love practically and prayerfully.
