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Dancing thru the Dean
Arts Festival
Onion Fayre

Newent Initiative Page 1

Newent Initiative is working hard to make your town a better for you and your families.

Below are some of the welcome signs of change taking place in YOUR town. This is due in part to the on-going work, and encouragement, of the Newent Initiative, an umbrella group of representatives of local organisations, which formulated a Newent Community Plan, and sent a copy to every household in the town.

In conjunction with the Community School, Newent Arts Festival 05 is in progress and will become an annual event.

New signs proclaiming �Welcome to Newent� will be erected at several points around the town.

Flowers are being planted in various areas of the town marking the beginning of �Newent in Bloom �05�.

The second of two books of walks in and around the town has just been published. Important talks are taking place for a �20,000 project to improve the historic town centre.

Shopping buses are now operating into Newent twice weekly, which will be followed by a new scheduled daily service called the Newent Shuttle operated by Sheppard House. Money has also been earmarked to upgrade Newent�s town centre bus shelters, and a project to introduce traffic calming measures in Foley Road is being considered.

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